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Past Events
Past Events
2020- Djed Special Olympics Zooms and in person
November 2021- Djed a wedding/also Birthday party
April 2022- Djed Spring Fling dance
October 2022- Djed Halloween Special Olympics dance/DJed wedding
December 2022- Djed Special Olympics ALP Year End Party
February 2023- Djed Valentines Night Party
March 2023- Djed Saint Patricks Day
April 2023- Djed UCR WALk-Athon, SEEC Gala
June 2023- DJed a party- Slush & Crush
July 2023- DJed a Fundraiser- Pint -Lone Oak Farm
August 2023- Djed end of Summer Party- Mainstreet
October 2023- Djayed Slush & Krust Party in Silver Spring
Djayed Montgomery College Fallfest
November 2023- Djayed wedding in Fairfax
January 2024- Djed Slush and Krust Party
Brave Brave Pre Plunge Party- Djed
February 2024- Plunge- Djed
Djed Mainstreet Party- Valentines
March 2024- Party in Rockville, Maryland- Rockville St patricks day party- Mainstreet
April 2024- Slush & Krust- Red party
June 2024- Purple Party- Slush & Krust
Upcoming Djay Events
October 2024- Djing a friends wedding